Letter of the week with Before Five in a Row books is a popular way to expand learning for toddler, preschooler, and kindergarten age children.
Before Five in a Row Guides
Whenever someone asks me which ‘curriculum’ I used when I started homeschooling, I recommend they spend lots of time reading and playing.
And then I mention the Before Five in a Row guides to use for reference and guidance. There’s plenty of time for ‘formal’ schooling later on…
One of the things I love most about the books featured in the Before Five in a Row guides is they are classic children’s stories (most from the golden age of children’s literature) and naturally found on the bookshelves of many families who are drawn to homeschooling.
Of course, the books are ideal for preschooler circle time and summer camps too.
And since children will enjoy reading these books over and over again, as they progress, you may want to add in additional activities or supplemental learning touchpoints while you are rowing a book.

Letter of the Week
Introducing the ABC’s through a letter of the week approach is a favorite for toddler, preschooler, kindergarten age children.
Of course, there are many ways to introduce a letter of the week and many books you could use for each letter. Here are a few suggestions using the main themes from the Before Five in a Row books.
Letter of the week with Before Five in a Row Books
Animals in Play With Me
Ants in Jesse Bear, What Will You Wear?
Ball in The Yellow Ball
Bear in Jesse Bear, What Will You Wear?, Blueberries for Sal, Ask Mr. Bear, We’re Going on a Bear Hunt
Blueberries in Blueberries for Sal
Blue Jay in Play with Me
Boat in My Blue Boat
Bunny in The Little Rabbit, Goodnight Moon, The Runaway Bunny, The ABC Bunny
Cap in Caps for Sale
Carpet in The Red Carpet
Carrots in The Carrot Seed
Dog in Angus Lost
Egg in I Am An Artist
Emotions in A Child’s Garden of Verses
Farm Animals in Ask Mr. Bear
Friend in Corduroy
Frog in Play With Me
Goat in Ask Mr. Bear
Green in The Big Green Pocketbook
Hat in Caps for Sale
Home in Corduroy
Ice in The Snowy Day
Insects in I Am An Artist, ABC Bunny
Jesus in If Jesus Came to my House
Kangaroo in Katy No-Pocket
Lollipop in The Big Green Pocketbook
Love in The Runaway Bunny
Moon in Goodnight Moon
Nap in Caps for Sale
Nature in I Am An Artist
Ocean in Jenny’s Surprise Summer, My Blue Boat
Pet in The Little Rabbit
Pocketbook in The Big Green Pocketbook
Prayer in Prayer for a Child
Quiet in The Quiet Way
Rabbit in The Little Rabbit, Goodnight Moon, The Runaway Bunny, The ABC Bunny
Red in The Red Carpet
Seed in The Carrot Seed
Snow in The Snowy Day
Travel in We’re Going on a Bear Hunt
Tree in The Runaway Bunny
Under in We’re Going on a Bear Hunt
Upstairs in We’re Going on a Bear Hunt
Valley in The ABC Bunny
Vacation in Jenny’s Surprise Summer
View in The ABC Bunny
Whales in My Blue Boat
Worm in Katy No-Pocket
Anxiety in Prayer for a Child
Exit in The ABC Bunny
Yellow in The Yellow Ball
Zero in The ABC Bunny
Zoology in The ABC Bunny
Alphabet Printables
Fruit Loop Alphabet Mats from Preschool Play and Learn
Alphabet Mini-books from Kindergarten Mom
Alphabet Mini-books from 123 Homeschool 4 Me