Remember your last yard or garage sale?

Did it rain?

Was it hot or freezing cold?

Did you haggle only to ‘give away’ your name brand clothing for less than a dollar?

Did you sit outside in your driveway feeling uncomfortable with all the people coming to your home?

Children’s Consignment Sales saves you the hassle of garage/yard sales and allows you to sell your quality items for more than you would typically earn at a yard sale.


Just do it!

A lot of first-time consignors feel like they need to clean out their whole house and get everything into their first sale. Don’t fall into the trap of not starting because you feel like you won’t be able to finish.

It’s as easy as 1 – 2 – 3.

  1. Whatever size your little one is outgrowing right now, start there!
  2. then choose 10 – 15 toys your child has outgrown
  3. and pick out the one large item (highchair, pack & play, outdoor playhouse) taking up space in your home.

Do a little bit at a time.

If you a changing over seasons, pull out the clothes that definitely will not fit or be used next year and prep them for the next seasonal sale.

Then, when you go into the attic for some clothes to give to a friend, pull out one box to prep and tag for the next sale. You’ll have your space and money back in no time!

When it doesn’t fit, prep it!

We all know how it goes. The shirt fit last week, but this morning your little one is showing two inches of arm!

Put a box in each child’s room – perhaps in the bottom of their closet – as soon as you decide an article of clothing doesn’t fit anymore, place the clothing in the box.

As soon as you have enough, freshly launder them one last time and instead of folding, hang them up for sale. When sale time comes again, just tag and go!

Grab those pieces!

Do the same with toys.

Challenge your little ones every week to give you 5-10 toys they no longer want. Make it a ‘clean up’ game.

Gather all of the coordinating pieces or parts and place in a plastic baggie. No more searching for that missing part at the last minute!

Wipe down toy and store in a box. Out of sight, out of mind.

When the sale time comes – tag and go!

Turn on the lights!

Lots of tagging is done after bedtime, and in dark rooms.

Try to find a well-lit room, or even better a sunny window, when you tag. Stains can be hard to see in low light, but may show clearly at the well-lit sale location.

Most sales are committed to only selling quality items in great condition. If you miss a stain, the volunteers will likely find it during check in and remove it from the selling floor.

Save your time and effort by ensuring you only tag the best of the best for the sale.

Ready to find a consignment sale near you?

Usually held seasonally in Spring or Fall, there’s one right around the corner!